Museum of Energy
Museum of Energy
Located in the Museum District of Houston, this site provides a very interesting duality between the city grid and the park. The design was largely shaped by the Metrorail tracks flanking the two longest sides of the site. With the desire to create an access-friendly museum, a system of pathways provide a way of passing through the building, each going directly from park to city and vice versa. The possibilities for the people traversing the pathways are nearly unlimited and allow them the choice of whether they want to visit the museum or simply use these public pathways to cross the street. The museum also has its own unique private circulation. Each of the three museum floors are alternately slanted, meeting where they are connected by vertical circulation, while simultaneously forming a gap on the opposite side. This creates an opening that can be used as an outdoor space for the private programs. The museum’s courtyard condition also enhances the circulation within each individual floor creating a continuous loop of interaction with the spaces and views across. Ultimately what is achieved is a unique circulation experience for the museum-goer, the pedestrian, and anyone in between that allows for various levels of engagement with what the museum has to offer.